A blog post popped up on the front page of Hacker News recently, titled {n} times faster than C (HN comments), where the author shows that sometimes a human can spot optimization opportunities a compiler can't. By tweaking the assembly of the tight loop in his program, he was able to achieve a 6x speedup over the baseline C program. In a follow up post, the speedup is raised further to an impressive 13.5x by rewriting the program from scratch in assembly. This certainly proves his point, but can we do even better?
TLDR: Our final program achieved a speedup of 128x (36 GiB/s throughput) by reformulating the problem and leveraging SIMD intrinsics.
We will be using Rust (rustc 1.70.0
) for our programs. All benchmarks are done on a Macbook Pro 2021 (Apple M1 Pro). Code available at Github repo.
The problem
Consider a random string consisting of s
and p
. We want to write a function that iterate over the string, incrementing an accumulator if we see s
and decrement for p
. The value of the accumulator at the end is our result.
fn baseline(input: &str) -> i64 {
let mut res = 0;
for b in input.bytes() {
match b {
b's' => res += 1,
b'p' => res -= 1,
_ => continue,
Apart from the language choice and the lack of \0
null terminator check, our function is otherwise identical to the baseline C program from the original blog post. Using the same benchmark input setup1, our program took 3.3316 ms to execute with a throughput of 286.25 MiB/s. This is in the same ballpark as the author's version which has a throughput of 126.3 MiB/s on my machine.
Time | Throughput |
3.3316 ms | 286.25 MiB/s |
Going up the ladder of abstraction
Optimizing programs does not always require dropping down to assembly; on the contrary, expressing a computation more abstractly gives the compiler more freedom to optimize our code.
fn opt1_idiomatic(input: &str) -> i64 {
.map(|b| match b {
b's' => 1,
b'p' => -1,
_ => 0,
The logic is rewritten using iterator combinators, a way of expressing computation over a stream of elements in a functional style. In theory, iterator combinators are a zero-cost abstraction in Rust and the compiler should be able to generate tight assembly that we can't handwrite any better. Indeed, we got a speedup of 14.7x over baseline just by rewriting our code in idiomatic Rust!
Time | Throughput | Relative speed |
227.33 µs | 4.0968 GiB/s | 14.7 |
Where did this increase in performance comes from? A quick glance over the assembly output reveals that the compiler had aggressively unrolled and vectorized our code. Of the 165 lines of assembly, 102 lines are SIMD instructions. It would be tough to beat this vector monstrosity.
Dropping branches
Continuing at a high level of abstraction, let's see if there are any optimization opportunities that the compiler cannot spot.
What is better than two branches? How about one! According to the problem description, the input string only consists of s
and p
. This gives us two insights:
- A character is either
or nots
. len(input) == count(input, 's') + count(input, 'p')
The function is therefore equivalent to f(input) = count(input, 's') - (len(input) - count(input, 's'))
. In other words, the return value is the number of s
subtracted by the number of p
fn opt2_count_s(input: &str) -> i64 {
let n_s = input.bytes().filter(|&b| b == b's').count();
(2 * n_s) as i64 - input.len() as i64
Time | Throughput | Relative speed |
152.44 µs | 6.1096 GiB/s | 21.9 |
This algorithmic improvement yielded us 49% improvement over our idiomatic solution. Before moving on, we could further micro-optimize our loop body to be totally branchless. Conceptually, our filter + count combo would branch if we see a s
and increment an accumulator, in practice the compiler was able to optimized away the branch. Nonetheless, let's implement this manually. Observe that the ASCII value for p
and s
is 115 and 112 respectively, or 1110011
and 1110000
in binary. We can convert this into a s
count by doing a bitwise AND against 0000001
and sum up all the 0 and 1s.
fn opt3_count_s_branchless(input: &str) -> i64 {
let n_s = input.bytes().map(|b| (b & 1) as i64).sum::<i64>();
(2 * n_s) - input.len() as i64
Time | Throughput | Relative speed |
72.902 µs | 12.775 GiB/s | 45.7 |
We beat the compiler again and by a wide margin! We took advantage of the domain knowledge that the character can only take on two values, such that we do not need to do a equality comparison. While a compare instruction takes no more time to execute than a bitwise AND instruction under the ARM architecture, the former returns a boolean which sets all the bits to 1 for true and 0 for false. Additional instructions or branches would be needed to make use of this result.
Into the SIMD-verse
So far we have steered clear of tweaking assembly and for good reason, the compiler did the heavy lifting of vectorization and loop unrolling for us to great success. Let's now try to see if we can hand code our tight loop any better than the compiler. Instead of rewriting our program in assembly from scratch or using inline assembly, we will use compiler intrinsics which allow us to manually emit vector instructions by way of library functions.
Our code uses platform-specific intrinsics for the aarch64
platform, but the same optimizations can be translated to x64 and other architectures. The Apple Silicon processors, using the ARM architecture, has a SIMD extension known as Neon. These registers are 128-bit wide, allowing us to fit and operate on 16 8-bit elements at once.
use std::arch::aarch64::*;
fn opt4_simd(input: &str) -> i64 {
let n = input.len();
const N_LANES: usize = 16;
let n_iters = n / N_LANES;
let n_simd_elems = n_iters * N_LANES;
let mut res = 0;
// Intrincics are unsafe
unsafe {
// All the intrincics operates on the type uint8x16_t
// Set all lanes to 0
let mut acc_v = vmovq_n_u8(0);
// Set all lanes to 1
let one_v = vmovq_n_u8(1);
// Process 16 characters per iteration
for block_i in 0..n_iters {
// Load 16 bytes from memory to vector register
let input_v = vld1q_u8(input[block_i * N_LANES..].as_ptr());
// Vector bitwise and
let eq_s_v = vandq_u8(input_v, one_v);
// Vector add
acc_v = vaddq_u8(acc_v, eq_s_v);
// Flush accumulator every 128 iterations to avoid overflow
if block_i % 128 == 127 {
// Reduce 16 u8 horizontally to a u16 scalar
res += vaddlvq_u8(acc_v) as i64;
acc_v = vmovq_n_u8(0);
res += vaddlvq_u8(acc_v) as i64;
res = (2 * res) - n_simd_elems as i64;
// Process leftovers
res + baseline(&input[n_simd_elems..])
The function is logically the same as our previous algorithm, with the only change being that of flushing our vector accumulator every 128 iterations2 to prevent overflowing each u8 lane. Since every loop iterations require 16 characters, there might be some leftover if the length of the input is not a multiple of 16. In this case we simply process the remaining items using our baseline function.
Time | Throughput | Relative speed |
43.131 µs | 21.593 GiB/s | 77.2 |
Somehow our manually vectorized version is almost 80% faster than the compiler vectorized version. Assembly listing shows that our hot loop is 18 instructions whilst the automatic one is 34, a 88.8% reduction. The "branchyness" of our version likely accounts for the remaining difference between runtime and instruction count. The compiler vectorized inner loop, while fully branchless, appears to be aggregating the s
count to wider and wider SIMD lanes every iteration to avoid integer overflow. On the other hand, our version only aggregates every 128 iterations to a scalar register directly.
While we gained better vectorization, the compiler stopped unrolling our loop. No matter, let's do that ourselves. To test different unroll factor, we will use Rust's macros to unroll our loop various amount of times. Feel free to skip over the code.
use std::arch::aarch64::*;
use seq_macro::seq;
macro_rules! simd_unrolled {
($func_name:ident, $unroll_factor:literal) => {
pub fn $func_name(input: &str) -> i64 {
let n = input.len();
const N_LANES: usize = 16;
const N_ELEM_PER_ITER: usize = N_LANES * $unroll_factor;
let n_iters = n / N_ELEM_PER_ITER;
let n_simd_elems = n_iters * N_ELEM_PER_ITER;
let mut res = 0;
unsafe {
seq!(I in 0..$unroll_factor {
let mut v_acc~I = vmovq_n_u8(0);
let one_v = vmovq_n_u8(1);
for block_i in 0..n_iters {
let offset = block_i * N_LANES * $unroll_factor;
seq!(I in 0..$unroll_factor {
let v_input~I = vld1q_u8(input[offset + I * N_LANES..].as_ptr());
let v_eq_s~I= vandq_u8(v_input~I, one_v);
v_acc~I = vaddq_u8(v_acc~I, v_eq_s~I);
if block_i % 128 == 127 {
seq!(I in 0..$unroll_factor {
res += vaddlvq_u8(v_acc~I) as i64;
v_acc~I = vmovq_n_u8(0);
seq!(I in 0..$unroll_factor {
res += vaddlvq_u8(v_acc~I) as i64;
res = (2 * res) - n_simd_elems as i64;
res + baseline(&input[n_simd_elems..])
simd_unrolled!(opt5_simd_unrolled_2x, 2);
simd_unrolled!(opt5_simd_unrolled_4x, 4);
// ...
Unroll factor | Time | Throughput | Relative speed |
2x | 32.810 µs | 28.385 GiB/s | 101.5 |
4x | 28.524 µs | 32.650 GiB/s | 116.8 |
8x | 26.518 µs | 35.120 GiB/s | 125.64 |
10x | 26.070 µs | 35.724 GiB/s | 127.8 🎉 |
12x | 27.833 µs | 33.461 GiB/s | 119.7 |
16x | 27.157 µs | 34.293 GiB/s | 122.7 |
After experimenting with different unroll factors, we found 10 to be the sweet spot, bringing us to an impressive 127.8x reduction in runtime over out starting point. Fun fact: Our throughput of 35.724 GiB/s is equivalent to processing ~12 characters per clock cycle assuming the processor is running at its peak 3.22 GHz clock speed. Not too bad considering we didn't micro-micro-optimize instruction selection and ordering.
We obtained a 128 times performance improvement by exploiting domain knowledge of the problem as well as fixing suboptimal compiler output. There is no doubt that there are still opportunities left on the table, in fact, it would be trivial to gain up to 4 times more performance by switching to wider vector architectures such as AVX-5123. However, I am satisfied with the amount of speedup achieved while keeping the code relatively readable.
After the post was released, some readers managed to come up with more performant versions without using explicit SIMD intrinsics. The best one achieved a speedup of 290x (81 GiB/s) 🚀. See code here.
A 1,000,000 characters long string generated randomly with
having equal probability. -
Flushing every 255 iterations makes more sense intuitively as it would require the least amount of work, however, empirical testing shows that an aligned value such as 128 provides the best performance. The code listing originally uses a value of 256 but this is wrong as it overflows in the case of 256 consecutive
. Credit to @PeterFaiman for pointing this out. -
It is a shame that Rust's experimental portable SIMD doesn't quite supports all of our use-cases. Otherwise we could have trivially supported multiple architectures.